RFGraph Support

How to cancel your PRO subscription

To cancel your subscription go to your accout settings page and click the “Manage Billing” button at the bottom of the Billing section.

You’ll be taken over to our payment portal that should look something like this:

From here, click the button with your subscription level, and you’ll see this page:

Simply click that “Cancel subscription” link. You’ll be asked to confirm, and you’ll be shown your subscription expiry date.

After cancellation your PRO subscription remains active until the end of the billing period that you’ve already paid for. During this time you’ll have access to all of the PRO features.

When you reach the end of billing period and your subscription is not renewed your account will downgrade to a Standard subscription. PRO-only features will be turned off.

Data relating to PRO features (such as S-Parameters, Multi Value data points etc.) will not be deleted, it will be kept saved in your graph, but you will not be able to use the associated features.

You can re-subscribe at any time and pick up where you left off.